HTMLScriptElement: type property

The type property of the HTMLScriptElement interface is a string that reflects the type of the script.

It reflects the type attribute of the <script> element.


A string. The value of this property can be one of the following:

Attribute is not set (default), an empty string, or a JavaScript MIME type

Indicates that the script is a "classic script", containing JavaScript code.


This value causes the code to be treated as a JavaScript module.


This value indicates that the body of the element contains an import map.

speculationrules Experimental

This value indicates that the body of the element contains speculation rules.

Any other value

The embedded content is treated as a data block, and won't be processed by the browser.

For more information, please refer to the type attribute of the <script> element.


<script id="el" type="text/javascript"></script>
const el = document.getElementById("el");
console.log(el.type); // Output: "text/javascript"


HTML Standard
# dom-script-type

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser