
RegExp 实例的 test() 方法使用此正则表达式执行搜索,以查找正则表达式与指定字符串之间的匹配项。如果匹配则返回 true;否则为 false

¥The test() method of RegExp instances executes a search with this regular expression for a match between a regular expression and a specified string. Returns true if there is a match; false otherwise.

JavaScript RegExp 对象在设置了 globalsticky 标志(例如 /foo/g/foo/y)时是有状态的。他们存储了上一场比赛的 lastIndex。在内部使用此功能,test() 可用于迭代文本字符串(带有捕获组)中的多个匹配项。

¥JavaScript RegExp objects are stateful when they have the global or sticky flags set (e.g., /foo/g or /foo/y). They store a lastIndex from the previous match. Using this internally, test() can be used to iterate over multiple matches in a string of text (with capture groups).

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与正则表达式匹配的字符串。所有值都是 强制为字符串,因此省略它或传递 undefined 会导致 test() 搜索字符串 "undefined",这很少是你想要的。


¥Return value

如果正则表达式与字符串 str 匹配,则为 true。否则,false

¥true if there is a match between the regular expression and the string str. Otherwise, false.



每当你想知道是否在字符串中找到模式时,请使用 test()test() 返回一个布尔值,与 方法不同(它返回匹配项的索引,如果未找到则返回 -1)。

¥Use test() whenever you want to know whether a pattern is found in a string. test() returns a boolean, unlike the method (which returns the index of a match, or -1 if not found).

要获取更多信息(但执行速度较慢),请使用 exec() 方法。(这与 String.prototype.match() 方法类似。)

¥To get more information (but with slower execution), use the exec() method. (This is similar to the String.prototype.match() method.)

exec()(或与其组合)一样,在同一个全局正则表达式实例上多次调用 test() 将超越前一个匹配项。

¥As with exec() (or in combination with it), test() called multiple times on the same global regular expression instance will advance past the previous match.




¥Using test()

测试 "hello" 是否包含在字符串开头的简单示例,返回布尔结果。

¥Simple example that tests if "hello" is contained at the very beginning of a string, returning a boolean result.

const str = "hello world!";
const result = /^hello/.test(str);

console.log(result); // true


¥The following example logs a message which depends on the success of the test:

function testInput(re, str) {
  const midstring = re.test(str) ? "contains" : "does not contain";
  console.log(`${str} ${midstring} ${re.source}`);

在带有 "global" 标志的正则表达式上使用 test()

¥Using test() on a regex with the "global" flag

当正则表达式设置了 全局标志 时,test() 将推进正则表达式的 lastIndex。(RegExp.prototype.exec() 还推进了 lastIndex 属性。)

¥When a regex has the global flag set, test() will advance the lastIndex of the regex. (RegExp.prototype.exec() also advances the lastIndex property.)

进一步调用 test(str) 将从 lastIndex 开始继续搜索 str。每次 test() 返回 true 时,lastIndex 属性都会继续增加。

¥Further calls to test(str) will resume searching str starting from lastIndex. The lastIndex property will continue to increase each time test() returns true.

注意:只要 test() 返回 truelastIndex 就不会重置 - 即使测试不同的字符串时也是如此!

¥Note: As long as test() returns true, lastIndex will not reset—even when testing a different string!

test() 返回 false 时,调用正则表达式的 lastIndex 属性将重置为 0

¥When test() returns false, the calling regex's lastIndex property will reset to 0.


¥The following example demonstrates this behavior:

const regex = /foo/g; // the "global" flag is set

// regex.lastIndex is at 0
regex.test("foo"); // true

// regex.lastIndex is now at 3
regex.test("foo"); // false

// regex.lastIndex is at 0
regex.test("barfoo"); // true

// regex.lastIndex is at 6
regex.test("foobar"); // false

// regex.lastIndex is at 0
regex.test("foobarfoo"); // true

// regex.lastIndex is at 3
regex.test("foobarfoo"); // true

// regex.lastIndex is at 9
regex.test("foobarfoo"); // false

// regex.lastIndex is at 0
// (...and so on)


ECMAScript Language Specification
# sec-regexp.prototype.test



BCD tables only load in the browser

¥Browser compatibility


¥See also