
The <metadata> SVG element adds metadata to SVG content. Metadata is structured information about data. The contents of <metadata> should be elements from other XML namespaces such as RDF, FOAF, etc.

Usage context

CategoriesDescriptive element
Permitted contentAny elements or character data

DOM Interface

This element implements the SVGMetadataElement interface.


  viewBox="0 0 400 300"
      <rdf:Description about="#CableA">
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#socket1" />
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#ComputerA" />
      <rdf:Description about="#CableB">
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#socket2" />
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#ComputerB" />
      <rdf:Description about="#CableN">
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#socket5" />
      <rdf:Description about="#Hub">
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#socket1" />
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#socket2" />
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#socket3" />
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#socket4" />
        <connect:ends rdf:resource="#socket5" />
  <desc>An example of a computer network based on a hub.</desc>

    svg {
      /* Default styles to be inherited */
      fill: white;
      stroke: black;
    text {
      fill: black;
      stroke: none;
    path {
      fill: none;

  <!-- Define symbols used in the SVG -->
    <!-- hubPlug symbol. Used by hub symbol -->
    <symbol id="hubPlug">
      <desc>A 10BaseT/100baseTX socket</desc>
      <path d="M0,10 h5 v-9 h12 v9 h5 v16 h-22 z" />

    <!-- hub symbol -->
    <symbol id="hub">
      <desc>A typical 10BaseT/100BaseTX network hub</desc>
      <text x="0" y="15">Hub</text>
      <g transform="translate(0 20)">
        <rect width="253" height="84" />
        <rect width="229" height="44" x="12" y="10" />
        <circle fill="red" cx="227" cy="71" r="7" />
        <!-- five groups each using the defined socket -->
        <g id="sock1et" transform="translate(25 20)">
          <title>Socket 1</title>
          <use href="#hubPlug" />
        <g id="socket2" transform="translate(70 20)">
          <title>Socket 2</title>
          <use href="#hubPlug" />
        <g id="socket3" transform="translate(115 20)">
          <title>Socket 3</title>
          <use href="#hubPlug" />
        <g id="socket4" transform="translate(160 20)">
          <title>Socket 4</title>
          <use href="#hubPlug" />
        <g id="socket5" transform="translate(205 20)">
          <title>Socket 5</title>
          <use href="#hubPlug" />

    <!-- computer symbol -->
    <symbol id="computer">
      <desc>A common desktop PC</desc>
      <g id="monitorStand" transform="translate(40 121)">
        <title>Monitor stand</title>
          One of those cool swivelling monitor stands that sit under the monitor
        <path d="m0,0 S 10 10 40 12" />
        <path d="m80,0 S 70 10 40 12" />
        <path d="m0,20 L 10 10 S 40 12 70 10 L 80 20z" />
      <g id="monitor">
        <desc>A very fancy monitor</desc>
        <rect width="160" height="120" />
        <rect fill="lightgrey" width="138" height="95" x="11" y="12" />
      <g id="processor" transform="translate(0 142)">
        <title>The computer</title>
        <desc>A desktop computer - broad flat box style</desc>
        <rect width="160" height="60" />
        <g id="discDrive" transform="translate(70 8)">
          <title>disc drive</title>
          <desc>A built-in disc drive</desc>
          <rect width="58" height="3" x="12" y="8" />
          <rect width="8" height="2" x="12" y="15" />
        <circle cx="135" cy="40" r="5" />

  <text x="0" y="15">Network</text>

  <!-- Use the hub symbol. -->
  <g id="Hub" transform="translate(80 45)">
    <use href="#hub" transform="scale(0.75)" />

  <!-- Use the computer symbol. -->
  <g id="ComputerA" transform="translate(20 170)">
    <title>Computer A</title>
    <use href="#computer" transform="scale(0.5)" />

  <!-- Use the same computer symbol. -->
  <g id="ComputerB" transform="translate(300 170)">
    <title>Computer B</title>
    <use href="#computer" transform="scale(0.5)" />

  <!-- Draw Cable A. -->
  <g id="CableA" transform="translate(107 88)">
    <title>Cable A</title>
    <desc>10BaseT twisted pair cable</desc>
    <path d="M0,0c100,140 50,140 -8,160" />

  <!-- Draw Cable B. -->
  <g id="CableB" transform="translate(142 88)">
    <title>Cable B</title>
    <desc>10BaseT twisted pair cable</desc>
    <path d="M0,0c100,180 110,160 159,160" />

  <!-- Draw Cable N. -->
  <g id="CableN" transform="translate(242 88)">
    <title>Cable N</title>
    <desc>10BaseT twisted pair cable</desc>
    <path d="M0,0c0,-70 20,-50 60,-50" />


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2
# MetadataElement

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser