<nav>: The Navigation Section element

<nav> HTML 元素表示页面的一部分,其目的是提供当前文档内或其他文档的导航链接。导航部分的常见示例是菜单、目录和索引。

¥The <nav> HTML element represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents. Common examples of navigation sections are menus, tables of contents, and indexes.

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该元素仅包含 全局属性

¥This element only includes the global attributes.


¥Usage notes

  • 没有必要将所有链接都包含在 <nav> 元素中。<nav> 仅用于主要的导航链接块;通常,<footer> 元素通常具有不需要位于 <nav> 元素中的链接列表。
  • 一份文档可能有多个 <nav> 元素,例如,一个用于站点导航,一个用于页面内导航。在这种情况下可以使用 aria-labelledby 来提高可访问性,请参阅 example
  • 用户代理(例如针对残疾用户的屏幕阅读器)可以使用此元素来确定是否省略仅导航内容的初始呈现。



在此示例中,<nav> 块用于包含链接的无序列表 (<ul>)。使用适当的 CSS,可以将其呈现为侧边栏、导航栏或下拉菜单。

¥In this example, a <nav> block is used to contain an unordered list (<ul>) of links. With appropriate CSS, this can be presented as a sidebar, navigation bar, or drop-down menu.

<nav class="menu">
    <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>

nav 元素的语义是提供链接。但是 nav 元素不必包含列表,它也可以包含其他类型的内容。在此导航块中,以散文形式提供链接:

¥The semantics of the nav element is that of providing links. However a nav element doesn't have to contain a list, it can contain other kinds of content as well. In this navigation block, links are provided in prose:

    You are on my home page. To the north lies <a href="/blog">my blog</a>, from
    whence the sounds of battle can be heard. To the east you can see a large
    mountain, upon which many <a href="/school">school papers</a> are littered.
    Far up this mountain you can spy a little figure who appears to be me,
    desperately scribbling a <a href="/school/thesis">thesis</a>.
    To the west are several exits. One fun-looking exit is labeled
    <a href="https://games.example.com/">"games"</a>. Another more
    boring-looking exit is labeled <a href="https://isp.example.net/">ISP™</a>.
    To the south lies a dark and dank <a href="/about">contacts page</a>.
    Cobwebs cover its disused entrance, and at one point you see a rat run
    quickly out of the page.




¥Technical summary

内容类别 流量内容分段内容,可触及的内容。
允许的内容 流量内容.
标签遗漏 无,开始和结束标记都是强制性的。
允许的父级 任何接受 流动内容 的元素。
隐式 ARIA 角色 navigation
允许的 ARIA 角色 不允许 role
DOM 接口 HTMLElement


HTML Standard
# the-nav-element



BCD tables only load in the browser

¥Browser compatibility
