<title>: The Document Title element
HTML 元素定义显示在 browser 标题栏或页面选项卡中的文档标题。它仅包含文本;元素内的标签将被忽略。
¥The <title>
HTML element defines the document's title that is shown in a browser's title bar or a page's tab. It only contains text; tags within the element are ignored.
<title>Grandma's Heavy Metal Festival Journal</title>
页面标题和 SEO
¥Page titles and SEO
页面标题的内容可能对搜索引擎优化产生重大影响 (SEO)。一般来说,较长的描述性标题比简短或通用的标题效果更好。标题内容是搜索引擎算法用来决定搜索结果中列出页面的顺序的组件之一。此外,标题是第一个 "hook",通过它可以吸引浏览搜索结果页面的读者的注意力。
¥The contents of a page title can have significant implications for search engine optimization (SEO). In general, a longer, descriptive title performs better than short or generic titles. The content of the title is one of the components used by search engine algorithms to decide the order in which to list pages in search results. Also, the title is the initial "hook" by which you grab the attention of readers glancing at the search results page.
¥A few guidelines and tips for composing good titles:
- 避免使用一两个词的标题。对术语表或参考样式页面使用描述性短语或术语定义配对。
- 搜索引擎通常显示页面标题的前 55-60 个字符。超过该长度的文本可能会丢失,因此标题的长度尽量不要超过该长度。如果你必须使用较长的标题,请确保重要部分先出现,并且标题中可能被删除的部分没有任何关键内容。
- 不要使用 "关键字斑点。" 如果你的标题只是单词列表,算法通常会降低你的页面在搜索结果中的位置。
- 尝试确保你的标题在你自己的网站中尽可能独特。重复或接近重复的标题可能会导致搜索结果不准确。
¥It is important to provide an accurate and concise title to describe the page's purpose.
¥A common navigation technique for users of assistive technology is to read the page title and infer the content the page contains. This is because navigating into a page to determine its content can be a time-consuming and potentially confusing process. Titles should be unique to every page of a website, ideally surfacing the primary purpose of the page first, followed by the name of the website. Following this pattern will help ensure that the primary purpose of the page is announced by a screen reader first. This provides a far better experience than having to listen to the name of a website before the unique page title, for every page a user navigates to in the same website.
<title>Menu - Blue House Chinese Food - FoodYum: Online takeout today!</title>
如果表单提交包含错误并且提交重新呈现当前页面,则标题可用于帮助用户了解其提交的任何错误。例如,更新页面 title
¥If a form submission contains errors and the submission re-renders the current page, the title can be used to help make users aware of any errors with their submission. For instance, update the page title
value to reflect significant page state changes (such as form validation problems).
2 errors - Your order - Sea Food Store - Food: Online takeout today!
注意:目前,屏幕阅读器不会自动宣布动态更新页面标题。如果你要更新页面标题以反映页面状态的重大更改,那么也可能需要使用 ARIA 现场区域。
¥Note: Presently, dynamically updating a page's title will not be automatically announced by screen readers. If you are going to update the page title to reflect significant changes to a page's state, then the use of ARIA Live Regions may be necessary, as well.
¥Technical summary
内容类别 | 元数据内容. |
允许的内容 | 不是元素间 whitespace 的文本。 |
标签遗漏 |
</title> 会导致浏览器忽略页面的其余部分。
允许的父级 | 不包含其他 <title> 元素的 <head> 元素。 |
隐式 ARIA 角色 | 没有对应的角色 |
允许的 ARIA 角色 | 不允许 role 。 |
DOM 接口 | HTMLTitleElement |
Specification |
HTML Standard # the-title-element |
BCD tables only load in the browser
¥See also